Monday, April 28, 2008

Advanced Article Marketing Secrets - Learn The Entrepreneurial Mindset That You Need To Have

In this article I am going to go through the key ingredient that you need to have to succeed with article marketing. In fact you need this ingredient to succeed with nearly anything in life.

For example if you look at all the sport stars from Michael Schumacher to Tiger Woods they all have extremely strong personalities with a determined mind to succeed. This is the reason why some people fail using this method Amartlnlsvzlek others do not.

Internet marketing is really simple when you understand the process. Let us look at the details. You find a profitable niche market, then you build a squeeze page Web Developmentypfcyyl build a subscriber list. After this you build a relationship with your subscribers and follow up with them. That does not really sound difficult does it? Now this is the difference between somebody who is very successful and somebody who is not. The person that is successful is really determined in there approach. When things are not going there Artmartzxkpsites they do not easily give up. They also maximize everything that they do.

They spend countless hours making sure their resource box of the article that they write attracts the maximum amount of clicks to their website and also that their squeeze pages are tweaked for maximum conversion from visitors to subscribers. They also track and test all the Nethgfiri that they send testing different subject lines and copy. This is the winning mindset that you need to have to succeed with article marketing as this could triple your results that you are currently getting.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing Internetwqpjwhx Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

5 Article Marketing Tips to Get Eye-Popping Attention For Your Articles

The worst thing to happen to your articles is when nothing happens. I have crafted this article to give you Wwwjiaupajwkpr 5 article marketing tips to avoid this from happening. Online authors like Amartqakwdbfgwnd write to get attention to our websites and to ourselves as the topic experts. When nothing happens meaning no one reads our articles, our efforts are washed down the drain. This happens to more than 90% Nethgfiri article writers most of the time. So let us get started on learning the article marketing tips to get some eye-popping attention to our articles.

1. A Good Title

The article title either works for you or kill your efforts. Period! So make sure you think of an appealing title. Since most people see your title first before your content, if Legalzndyfii are not buying into your article title, then chances are they will click away so make sure it pulls their attention. See my article title as an example of such an effect.

In a few words, you must tell them what benefits they can get from reading your article so that they will read your entire article. People are always looking for tips like you are searching for article marketing tips now, answers and solutions, so make sure you craft the titles in such a manner. Examples are 10 ways to cure your baldness, How to attract her attention even if you are ugly, How to write a traffic-sucking article Home Managementctvyfgzuv 10 minutes flat. Create curiosity.

2. Paragraph your Content

People hate long and disorganized articles. Noticed that the first thing people does when they land on your article is to browse quickly. If they see super duper long paragraphs, they are going to get bored and skip your article all together. So be sure to organize your article into bite-size paragraphs ie 5 paragraphs and each containing 4 to 5 sentences ideally.

3. Number Your Key Points

Put in nice numbering. Number the points you are trying to get across. It makes the article highly readable. Our brains analyse writings in such a systematic manner. So condition your reader with a smooth flow of points presented in numbers. It has the effect of convincing them and giving them a great feeling about what they are reading.

4. Provide Catchy Sub-titles

Always give a sub-title or sub-header to give them a quick summary of what they are reading. I love this one as my favourite among all the article marketing tips. This is a short snappy summary just like what you often see in newspapers. At one glance, they can get a hint of what they are going to get when they read your content. This is also where you can have some teasers in the sub-titles.

5. Use Facts, Figures and Examples

People like facts, figures, examples and case studies so be sure to give them some. When delivering a point, give them a few of these to convince them of its factuality. This adds a sense of urgency and increase the trust they develop in your content and yourself.

You have it, all 5 of the most powerful article marketing tips to create traffic sucking articles that drives sales and subscribers.

Davion has created multiple affiliate income machines since 2006. For a limited time, you can download his FREE report Secrets of Affiliate Marketing which reveals killer secrets of affiliate marketing you can use immediately to supercharge your affiliate income! Full giveaway and resale rights worth $97 included. Also read this interesting article to pick up 10 affiliate marketing secrets.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Unlock The Secret Of Choosing A Profitable Niche Market For Your Article Marketing

Are you using the correct strategy for your article marketing? Many people when they first start doing article marketing want to write about anything. It is very important to target your articles to a very specific market.

When I first started marketing on the internet. I did everything right. I built my website and started driving traffic to it. Unfortunately this was all in vain. You see I could not actually monetize my traffic.

This is a common mistake for most people new to internet marketing. They will do everything right only to find out that they can't monetize their traffic.

So one of the very first steps that you need to do before you decide to stick to the article marketing niche that you are going to focus on writing articles for is the following. You need to send two hundred visitors to your sales page and if you receive no sales then it is unlikely that you will make money from this niche market.

Consequently this means that you need to find another topic to write articles on that you can monetize the traffic. Get this crucial step wrong and your internet business will crumble.

So let us look at the theory behind a niche market. You need to find a smaller segment of a mainstream market where the volume of sales is too small to justify a big competitor to enter that market. You also need to offer good customer service. This will allow you to generate repeat sales from loyal customers. This will earn you substantial profits in the future as it it is much easier to sell to an existing customer than to a new customer.

The better that you become at choosing a niche market to write articles on the more stable the foundations of your internet home based business will be.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

An Article Marketing Strategy for Affiliate Marketing Profits

As an affiliate marketer, writing informative, easy-to-read articles is a simple strategy to increase your profits by driving more traffic to your website or blog.

The best article marketing strategy is to provide quality content that is easily found by the search engines. This helps you become a valuable resource while driving potential customers to your affiliate offerings.

If you write well, you can prepare the articles yourself or you can outsource the project and have someone else write your content. Another option is to use or rewrite free content provided at a website such as Article City.

Either way, use these articles to promote your affiliate marketing site by linking to it from your bio box. Certain article directories will even allow you to link directly to the merchant's website so you don't need your own website to get started.

To begin your article, choose a topic related to your affiliate offerings. Select keywords that pertain to the topic and research the popularity of the keywords by using a free resource such as Keyword Playground (

Use frequently searched keywords (but ones that aren't too competitive) in your articles at a density of three to five percent. With a higher density of keywords, your article may be considered spam and kicked to a lower rank in the search engines.

Write useful articles with titles that appeal to the average person looking for information about a certain subject. Include the necessary links in your article or your bio page so readers will be able to reach your affiliate offerings.

Once completed, feature your article online in free article directories such as Article City, Go Article and EzineArticles - or on blogs, forums, websites and in newsletters.

You may even want to write several versions of the same article to publish it in a variety of places. By rewriting an article and changing the content by 50 percent or more, you can market the article in several different resources and it will appear unique.

Using this simple article marketing strategy on a regular basis, you should realize dramatically increased affiliate profits even if you don't have a large advertising budget.

To continue this conversation and learn more about affiliate marketing in general, visit Affiliate Marketing with Ryan, a blog full of tips, strategies, case studies and more.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Testing And Tracking For Article Marketing Success

This particular area of article marketing has probably had more to do with my success in article marketing than anything else that I have done. I am a particular avid tester, and by testing I was actually able to create two article marketing methodologies.

I created different tracking pages for different sets of article directories, and ranked each of these sets of article directories according to the amount of traffic they brought me. Using the process of elimination, I was able to quite quickly determine which web sites were good for generating direct traffic from my articles, and which web sites were best for creating long term inbound links. I have also used my tracking techniques to determine which article marketing submission and distribution services were most effective. This actually spurred me to drop some of the article submission and distribution services I was using at one time, in favor of doing more of the work myself, and outsourcing to an individual rather than a firm, the submission of my articles.

There are two primary tracking methods I employ, and I will attempt to go through these in as detailed a fashion as possible, as I personally believe this is one of the most important aspects of your web business.

You see, in most of the web marketing you do, you will find that on average, your long term results are not necessarily positive, in aggregate. But if you isolate the productive portions of your strategy, and drop the ones that are pulling you down, you can often create profits or results, even when initial results are ho-hum.

Here are the two article marketing methodologies:

1) Write lots of articles and submit to a short list of special article directories for immediate traffic

2) Write a small number of articles and submit to a long lost of various article directories for long term search engine traffic.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Web Developmentkwroddnfsy
Web Developmentypfcyyl

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Internet Article Marketing - Why Is It Better? Here's The Simple Mathematics

Are you trying to make money online? Whether you have products of your own, or you are trying to make money selling affiliate products, article marketing is a sure way to drive targeted traffic to your site. It's simple really, the more articles that you write, the more traffic you are going to get. We know that article marketing's natural selective process prequalifies your prospects. The prospect is qualified, simply because as they choose to progress toward your site, each step indicates an increase in their level of interest.

There is a limited number of ways that a person can come across your article. One, they could just stumble across it by chance. Two, they could find your article listed on a page of a search engine. Three, they could be sent or directed to the article by an ezine or RSS (Real Simple Syndication): some type of subscription or update notification.

Regardless of how they come across the article, it requires some level of choice to read the article, and even more if they finish reading the article. Let's call this qualification number one. They say that of the people who read the article, one to three percent chooses to click the link and visit the website or blog. We'll call this qualification level number two.

After going through the information on your site, this is qualification number three; five to 15 percent of these visitors will make a purchase if you have a decent sales letter and follow up system. This is much better than the one to five percent of people that buy after arriving at your site being lead by some other form of marketing. Thus the reason that article marketing is considered one of the most effective forms of marketing on the Internet.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Protecting Yourself On the Internet

It is quite often that someone in dire need of some computer help calls me up and states that their computer is no longer working. When I get there I find they have high speed internet connection with no security - This is security issues just waiting to happen...

Firstly let me just say, if you have a computer that you use on the internet then you must must must use a firewall. If you don't then not only will your computer start to go wrong, you also risk private data getting into the hands of hackers or worse. People can gain full access to your computer, install what they like, watch what you are doing, take your passwords, bank details and even identity.

So hopefully the above is enough to scare you into reading this article - and so it should.

Whilst the internet is a very valuable resource it is also a breeding ground for people who have nothing better to to than spy on you, force averts on you, try and hack your computer or create viruses that damage your data. There are different categories of nasties to watch for.

Hackers - These can be people or machines or bots programmed by people. They are they to try and access your computer. This could be to install something on there or steal your personal data. This is high risk and IMO one of the most important things to protect against.

Viruses - These range from annoying to devastating as far as your computer goes. These can be files that slow your computer down, download more malicious software or cause strange things to happen with your PC.

Spyware - This is where data is collected about what you do on the internet. This is generally used for sales and marketing purposes but can have darker objectives.

Adware - The lesser evil of this discussion but still annoying and potentially dangerous - do you have adverts popping up seemingly at random even after visiting trusted web sites? The chances are you are infected with adware.

Generally these evils will do no obvious harm to your computer and subsequently can often go unnoticed. The main tell tale sign that something is wrong is that that your super new computer that was really fast when you got is, has now slowed down to almost nothing. This is where you most likely have so many infections that you are overloading your machine.

So this is usually what I find when I visit people and they have a problem - so what can you do about this?

Well the first thing I would always advise is that a firewall be used. A firewall is something that stops programs accessing the internet unless you say it is ok. This will eliminate huge amounts of all the nasties listed above from even getting on your computer in the first place. There are some good free firewalls out there so get onto Google - there is no excuse.

The antivirus software will monitor what comes into and goes out of your computer and check for viruses as well as offer the option for a complete scan. Whilst there are premium antvirus programs there are also a couple of good free ones.

To resolve the adware and spyware issues you need to regularly scan your PC. These can be picked up, not only from unsecure computers but is also bundled into a lot of the so called "free" software. It's important to check this before downloading anything that claims to be free. It also is worth noting that some of these programs will stop working alltogether should the adware/spyware be removed.

So with the above you should be able to firstly prevent your system from failing and , secondly, solve the issue yourself if you are infected.

Hopefully this article will help someone out.

JBO Solutions supplies the UK with Computer Parts, Computer Components and accessories such as Computer Monitors.


Saturday, April 12, 2008

An Internet Presence Can Help You Land A Job

An Internet presence can help you land a job. By having visible content in your control ranking on the first page of Google when someone does a search on your name, you can absolutely put yourself ahead of anyone else you might be competing with for a job opportunity.

A June 12, 2006 ExecuNet Press Release ("Growing Number Of Job Searches Disrupted By Digital Dirt") stated:

"According to a recent survey of 100 executive recruiters conducted by ExecuNet, the leading executive job search and recruiting network, 77% use search engines to learn more about candidates. Of those who use sites such as Google (GOOG) and Yahoo! (YHOO) to check the background of job seekers, 35% have eliminated a candidate from consideration based on the information uncovered online up significantly from 26% just one year ago."

And that's just recruiters. Do you think an executive hiring authority does this during a recruiting process with respect to the candidates they are looking at investing time into interviewing?

The problem that many executives have with their Internet presence is all that surfaces are press release quotes (if they have anything surfacing at all). Press release quotes really don't do anything to showcase your unique executive value proposition or subject matter expertise.

This is easy to fix if you have access to the right tools and are willing to spend a little time writing.

By publishing blogs and articles on high traffic frequently indexed sites like Ecademy, EzineArticles, et al. you can create and drive content in your control showcasing your unique executive value proposition and subject matter expertise. This content will often rise above the press release quotes in Google ranking when someone searches on your name. You can also drive and associate the same content with relevant keyword phrases pertaining to the industry and/or market niches you live in.

To learn more how to take advantage of this powerful capability, dive into "Internet Presence - Case Study: Recipe for Success" and for even more, simply do a Google search on:

Personal Internet Presence Articles

An expert in mission critical retained executive search, Ron Bates is a Managing Principal with the retained executive search firm Executive Advantage Group, Inc. (

Ron has also coached former SAP, E&Y, Oracle, WorldCom, et al. executives responsible for multi-billion dollar business units, and co-founded, a self-guided executive coaching process and resume development toolset.

As a recognized talent assessment, deployment and development expert, Ron has been an invited speaker at venues such as the Marketing Executive Networking Group, British America Business Council, Expert Connections, Business of Success radio, a regular on Netshare's "Ask the Coach", and most recently Ron's interview was included in Leadership Without Borders: Successful Strategies From World-Class Leaders, by Ed Cohen, 2007 John Wiley & Sons. With +34,000 direct on-line professional networking platform contacts, Ron has been referred to as "the most connected man on Earth."

For career info go to:

Internet Resourcesjgiwdzfemo

Friday, April 11, 2008

Productive Internet Marketing - Driving Success to Your Internet Marketing in 2 Easy Ways

When you try to look and dissect a running business, you will be amazed to know and realize that most of the times, the thing that becomes essentially significant to its entire process is looking for much better and far more effective means to generate the right amount of exposure and visibility on the business arena. This means that marketing the product and the company is becoming a more indispensable element. This is where Internet Marketing gets into the picture. This concept will allow your company to gain the exposure that it needs and will eventually benefit from it. In order to attain the success that each and every businessman desires for his business, the below stated Internet marketing tips are being suggested:

a. Generate and build a strong e-mail list. Your database of e-mail addresses is worth so much for the business. Make sure that you are able to come up with a strong list of these addresses because this will help you establish a more potentially stronger targeted market. You can engage into opting at having a squeeze page on your site to ensure that you get to capture the e-mail addresses of anyone who makes a visit on your page. Or you can engage into having some sort of a gimmick to entice the net visitor to leave some of their personal pieces of information.

b. You can engage into creating a web log on your own site and have this regularly maintained and updated. Through the web log you can encourage people who share the same interests as yours to leave a post on your own web log and eventually succeeding into getting their e-mail addresses or better yet catch them instantly as your prospective client without having to goad them towards leaving or entrusting their e-mail addresses to you for any potential future communications.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to internet marketing success, 'Secrets of Internet Marketing for Profit'

Download it free here: Internet Marketing Profit

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Family Concernsuxomxebfh
Web Developmentypfcyyl

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Internet Marketing Tips - Get It In Writing

Most of my articles I try to keep light hearted to a certain degree, but this is a serious topic that needs serious attention. Any time you do any business online with another person, get it in writing...whatever it is. Doing this will save you tons of grief down the road. This article is going to share a personal experience, where I let my guard down, and suffered the consequences. No names will be mentioned...just a situation.

I was contacted by a person offering his services. This was somebody I knew from a third party so there was a little bit of trust there to start with, so I wasn't as careful as I usually would be. The person made his offer and it sounded like a good one, so I took him up on it and we began to do business together. At first, everything went very well, or at least so I thought. Then, I was asked for more funds for something else that at first sounded a little suspect. But after a great sales pitch, I went along with it.

Well, several days passed and I came in contact with somebody who was doing business with this person for quite some time and they weren't getting anywhere with the person. I found it odd that it would take so long to get something simple done like an ebook and a sales page. So, I did some digging because something wasn't right. Well, after researching this person's name, I found many complaints issued against this person. I began to realize that I had made a mistake.

Long story short, I lost some of my investment but was able to get about half of it back. However, it would have never come to this if I had done the following:

For starters, had I investigated the person to begin with, I would have found all the incriminating evidence, further backed up from many people I then contacted, and I would have never done business with the person to begin with. So always do your research first...even if you have every reason to trust them.

Secondly, I should have gotten everything in writing, but I didn't because I trusted this person. This was a mistake, not only because they turned out to not be reliable but because you always get things in writing, no matter who it is. This is the first rule of business.

Please learn from the mistakes I made by letting my guard down for a moment. I usually don't do this.

I assure you I will never do it again.

Get it in writing.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

Tired of busting your behind for peanuts online? Go to my web site and find out how I earn a monthly income that exceeds 5 figures and how I can help YOU do the same. Get your free report at

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